Saturday, April 30, 2011

Z is For...

Actually I'm kind of at a loss. I'm sure there will be Zebra and Zzz's posts. Maybe something on Zippers, Zenith's, Zorro maybe...huh. Zorro might be interesting. There's zipper, zigzag, zucchini, zinnia, zeppelin, zero, zodiac, zither...

I'm really happy to be at the end of this challenge. And HAS been a challenge. A post every day for a whole month...surprised I survived it.

Happy end of challenge day!  Maybe I'll make myself a badge like they do for of those, "I'm a Completely Insane Blogger" ones for my side bar.

So, come May 1st, its back to the regular blog schedule. Beginning on the 2nd, I will be featuring posts on the writing craft, tips on the publishing industry, author features, reviews, and more.

I'ts been a pleasure. Now...Go Write!

Addendum: Elizabeth Mueller made this Fanta-bulous Badge!  Awesome...

Photograph by Prayitno.