One genre I discovered in last year's A-Z Blogging Challenge was the Viking/Norse God genre. In fact there are two bloggers I found that I continue to seek out in blogfest simply because their stories are so different from what I normally encounter.
Rebecca Wilson over at Valkyrian Sanctum and Amalia Dillin who's blog Good To Begin Well, Better to End Well, have both delighted us with their descriptive and riveting excerpts.
Norse mythology; Thor, Odin and the legends that follow are filled with the kind of journeys and monsters that keep you turning the pages late into the night.
Along the same lines as the epic travels of Odysseus, the Norse heroes had daunting challenges, fate and gods often intervened, and noble ideals of honor and sacrifice were prominent.
Besides...when they make these books into movies we get to look at super gorgeous guys like this:
Until next time...Go Write!