This is the last week of the Blogging from A-Z Challenge over at Arlee Bird's Tossing It Out Blog. I've been blogging and commenting for the past month while trying to run my finished manuscript through critique circles for feedback. As a result of all the contradicting comments about my novel, I decided to appeal to the ether for feedback...
Some people have said that my character is too emotional and that someone so sensitive would not be in her line of work, at least not for long. Others have said that she isn't emotional enough...that the physical manifestations of emotion (shaking, sobbing, etc) are not enough and that I have to "Say" what she is feeling as in...anguish squeezed my heart.
I think that there is a fine line between sensitive and an emotional train wreck and I'm afraid of crossing over. Then again, critique circles are supposed to help us by challenging our writing and helping us to grow in our craft. Sheesh! I'm going crazy trying to figure out if there is really something wrong...or I'm just getting opinion.
My question to you is this: How do you wade through all the comments and suggestions to find what is relevant and what is not? Do you find critique groups helpful, or discouraging? I'd love to know what you think. Until next time...Go Write!
Photograph by Ben Werdmuller von Elgg, Uploaded on March 9, 2009.