Thursday, April 15, 2010

M is for Midway Humor Break

In order to survive this A-Z Blogging Challenge maniacally conceived by the inernet's own, Arlee Bird, I thought I'd take a couple of humor breaks during the alphabet. I had one previous post based on humorous links, that one was "F" day.  Many of you liked it so I thought I'd continue with the humorous links on this "M" is for Midway Humor Break, to celebrate the halfway mark. Woo Hoo! 

To begin, I present to you actual remarks doctors made on patient charts. My favorite: While in the ER, she was examined, X-rated and sent home. Nice. In the tradition of strange notations, this website has some of the best absence excuses ever written by the harried parent. Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father's fault. Tee Hee!

I have been home schooling my six children for over ten years now. We make quite a crowd when we're out shopping or even at field trips. Tim Hawkins, a musician and comedian, made a great video poking fun of his own homeschool family.  It made us all laugh.


Until tomorrow...Go Write!

Photograph by pdam2, Uploaded on May 22, 2006.