Today I am featuring romantic suspense author, Kay Springsteen.
Raquel - Your new novel, Lifeline Echoes is a romance that features an intriguing way your hero and heroine meet and fall in love. Tell us about it.
Kay - Voices form a powerful connection. The day the earth rocked LA, Sandy Wheaton became a voice lifeline over the radio for trapped firefighter, "Mick." Less than twenty four hours later, she had fallen in love with him. Shattered when she learned that rescue came too late, she sought solace Wyoming, the home state he had loved.
Now, seven years later, she's made a life there as the owner of a popular local bar. But her wounds are still fresh, and she longs to let go of the past and her lost love so she can begin living again. That opportunity presents itself when the local prodigal son returns home. The attraction between them is instant. It feels like she's known him far longer than just a few days.

Kay - Perseverance. Never give up!
Raquel - Speaking of not giving up. Writing takes a lot of perseverance. How long have you been at it?
Kay - I've been writing since I was in elementary school (and now I have grown kids). But I only made the decision to get serious about my work in the past year and a half or so. Everything influences what I write. I can be inspired by a song just as easily as by seeing an incident on the nightly news.
Raquel - You have an interesting bit of news concerning the recent tragedy in Japan. Can you tell us about it?
Kay - I'm participating with several other Astraea Press authors to write a wedding anthology, with 100% of the profits for the first six months of sales benefiting the relief effort in Japan.
Raquel - That is amazing news. I wish you the best of luck. I hear you have a copy of Lifeline Echoes to give away to a lucky commenter!
Kay - Yes! IF a reader would like to be entered into a drawing for a eBook copy of Lifeline Echoes, they should leave a comment with one trait they like to see in the hero and one in the heroine in the stories they read.
Raquel - This novel had me crying and cheering. It was a great ride. Thank you so much for joining us, Kay. I look forward to hearing what the readers have to say.
A Michigan native, who settled in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Western Virginia, Kay enjoys photography, hiking in the mountains, and gardening. You can visit her at her blog or on her Facebook page.