Don't fight zombies without reading this first - "D".
I know very little about Zombies. I know that my brother knows more and in fact argues that certain movies depicting "fast" zombies are crud. I have no idea what he's talking about.
Of course, he does attend the annual zombie walk in Seattle so there may be larger issues at play.
Since this blogging challenge puts me in touch with writers of all genres, I thought I'd do some research on zombies in case I come across one while commenting today.
My first order of business was to locate a Zombie Weapon Guide, because what is the best sword for fighting the undead? I thought it would be a light saber, but apparently the forums don't appreciate "idiot answers."

You should have a "Ready Pack" which appears to be an earthquake survival kit but with more weapons.
Some experts suggest boning up on skills you might need. Car repair, campfire building, lock picking, booby-trapping things to explode, locking infected friends in sheds...that type of thing.
For further study, be sure to take the Will You Survive or Are You Walking Meat quiz here.
I'm sure you experts out there have more advice. If I've missed anything please let me know. Until next time...Go Write!
This message brought to you by the A-Z April Blogging Challenge.
Photograph by Abode of Chaos.