I was quick read which is good because I didn't read the directions for the challenge right and thought that I only had the three days of the first week to read it. You don't. The first week was 1-11. *screams internally*

This brings us to week 3 or actually week 2 for people who can follow instructions. OOPS!
I wanted to go much, much lighter in my choice this week because the first two books were slow going and dense and I really didn't want to get burned out. The whole point of the challenge is to enjoy reading.
I was given the book, A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray, a while ago by a friend and just hadn't been able to get to it. It is the first book in a YA Historical Fantasy and looks like a fun read. I started it last night and was immediately engrossed. The first person, present tense is a bit hard to get used to, but over all it lends a frenetic energy to the narrative thats fitting.
I'm excited to sort of hit cruise and read something only for pleasure. Not that I knock the previous two books. I definitely am better for reading them. But, like I said, I wanted to do this challenge to give myself permission to disappear with a book like I did when I was a kid.
If you'd like to take part in a challenge this year, there's still time! Take a peek at GirlXOXO's blogpost The Master List of Reading Challenges where she's posted links to quite a few.
Until next time...