So I'm churning out the first draft of the second book in my steampunk series and it a tight timeline. I've set word count goals every week to keep on track with my deadline, but I have to say its feeling fast and furious like NaNo. The thing is, I don't want to deal with the kind of manuscript I usually end up with with at the end of 30 days of frantic writing.

The pace of this book is sort of break neck. I have to get to 95,000-ish words by the end of August. I'm at 41,000 right now with two weeks to get another 20,000 down. So if I type for twelve days (we are camping somewhere in there) then I have to hit 1,600 words a day.
Not too hard...right? Right? Gaaah!
I lost a lot of time caring for my mother in hospice and then helping my father through her passing this past month. We finally had the memorial and it was beautiful and sad and really messed up my head. I'm not sure how to deal.
For now, I'll just keep going. Putting my hiney in the chair and my hands on the keys and pray the story flows despite my troubled mind.
If any of you have suggestions for or experience dealing with this kind of situation...I'm all ears.
Until next time...Go Write!