This is the first challenge for Rachael Harrie's Writer's Platform-Building Crusade. Shout out to Group #21! Ladies of Romantic Suspense - woo hoo!
We are supposed to introduce ourselves and reveal a few things others may not know...
- I am a die-hard comic book fan and flock to every single movie from the Marvel Universe. Counting down the days until THOR...yes! I love the Blade movies. In fact took a clay class to create fugiline figures of my favorite heroes.
- I'm terrified of flying, but do it anyway because I'm so competitive I cannot let anything beat me...including a fear.
- I like things to be symmetrical, which is why anything I draw seems slightly a computer made it. It's probably good that I chose writing instead.

- My husband says its annoying that I separate my M&M's by color and then eat the pile with the least amount first. I'm beginning to think I have a touch of OCD. I tend to bloviate about literature and movies.
- One of my best character traits is my tenacity. I don't give up. On people, projects, or dreams.
- I love to hang out with my kids and husband. We have lots of pets, a cat, two dogs, and at one time, rabbit named Hopper.
As part of the challenge, I have included something about me that isn’t true, can you guess what it is?
Here is the trailer for Thor. Psss! Fast forward to 1:45 for the best part. Squeeeee!
Photograph by Khairil Zhafri.