Each chapter brings to light imparted wisdom from the plainly-spoken passages of Proverbs. From Weighty Matters, which covers boasting, to Fading Flowers, which touches on passing beauty, Patsy uses common sense and laughter to drive the lessons home. She shares snippets from her own life and trials, using them to beautifully illustrate God’s love. Tackling our everyday foibles from anxiety to seeking God in times of trouble, Kaleidoscope is wonderful reminder of the precious messages about life found in the Bible.
Chapters can be done in a short time and have two sections after each lesson to help with study. The first section, titled Bits and Pieces, presents a series of questions that help the reader apply the Proverb to their own life. In the second section, Held to the Light, Patsy offers additional verses for further study.
I found Kaleidoscope to be a great alternative to my daily devotion. Short and to the point, the questions kept me thinking about the lesson throughout the day. Patsy’s humor and heartwarming delivery truly packs a powerful spiritual punch. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to see the book of Proverbs in a new and surprising light.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com