Monday, December 17, 2012

Hideous Light of the Day Star...

Day Star in my back yard
So I've just finished off a string of writing sessions that would make World of Warcraft gamers think I was way too intense. I feel like one of those skinny people that run on purpose for like...hours. What do you call that kind of insanity? Marathons? Yeah, like that.

Well I call it drive. More specifically, a deadline. But now as I climb out of the cave of despair and caffeine, I see that it was all worth it.

Writer on coffee high.
Starting with NaNo...which I totally flaked out on in like, four minutes and ending with a dedicated march toward completed pages by 12/31/2012...or the Mayan Armageddon, whichever came first.  I did finish ahead of schedule so, Yay!

That decision was of course, entirely selfish on my part, because with Christmas coming and all the fun parties and family stuff coming up...well, I didn't want to have to work. 

This is the first draft and I will go over it again a few times for revisions before I submit, but I am done. The story is out of my head and I can breath a sigh of relief for the two minutes I allow myself before I start worrying about changes.

So here's to Siyah and Raven, my two great muses during these past months!  Je suis fini!  Hallelujah!

I'm going out for a frothy coffee and some chocolate!

Friday, December 14, 2012

I'm In An EXPO! Virtually, That Is.

Orangeberry Virtual Book Expo 
Friday, 7th December to Sunday, 16th December 2012 

  Lots of fun with some really great books, authors and some fun-tastic daily giveaways. 



Featured authors include ...

In Leah's Wake A World ApartMancode ExposedKiss Me Quick Before I Shoot Excuse Me, My Brains . .Two Moons of Sera

The Seventh LevelGenetically Modified Foods vs. SustainabilityThe Bridge Club