Whether you've braved the trailer making journey on your own or paid someone to make one for you, the next step is where to post them.
Outside of YouTube and your own website, where do these things go anyway? The truth is, there are tons of places to post your book trailer. From Web forums to LinkedIn account to sites exclusively for trailers, here are a few to get you started.
There are also specialty sites for specific genres or markets. For example, since I write inspirational fiction, I also have my trailer on Christian Book Videos. There are sites for every genre...Wrote a horror book? Post your trailer on The Fear Zone. What about romance...Seriously Reviewed is your spot.
Keep in mind that a lot of these sights do require a release date and ISBN. Some also require you to have a FLASH version of your video. However, a lot of the sites out there will just allow an embed code from YouTube which is super easy.
There was a site called Trailer Spy that was really fun but I got an error code at the time of this post. I'd check back though just in case.
If you're interested in making your own...something I encourage you to try at least once, Hub Pages has a great "How To Create Your Own Book Trailer" article with links to photo sites, music sites, and everything else you'd need to get started.
Something I found helpful a.k.a sanity saving, was the plethora of YouTube tutorials on how to make a book trailer. Everything from, "How to Fade the Music" to "How to Insert Sound Effects" all kept me from pulling my hair out.
The following is the first one I ever tried. It was for my debut novel, Purple Knot. My publisher ended up making one of their own for the entire 3-book series...but I'm still proud of my end results considering I didn't even realize my laptop had Movie Maker to begin with...totally not an expert.
Photograph by M4D Group.