Friday, February 23, 2018

Silently in the Night Collection


A collection of tantalizing tales with more twists than braided hair:

Here you will find mystery, murder and mayhem – plus a moment of romance. All the stories will make you stop and think, even question your role in the world and the universe. Just what are we doing here, and where are we going? Easy questions with problematic answers.

This anthology of sixteen short and thrilling tales of unusual, extraterrestrial and conspiratorial stories is the latest compilation from Clayton Graham, the author of science fiction novels Milijun and the soon to come Saving Paludis. The characters in this eclectic collection are mostly ordinary people whose reactions to their fears and to unexpected events will have you guessing at every turn of the page.

This collection is intriguing reading which, among many other things, encourages the reader to:

Sympathize with a doomed husband and connect with an altruistic robot.

Explore an isolated Scottish isle and touch down on a far-flung asteroid.

From the light-hearted to the darkest depths of the human psyche you would be hard pressed not to find something to like about Silently in the Night.

Many different visions of the future are within these pages. And as a bonus, there is an excerpt from the soon to be published Saving Paludis, which introduces the reader to two of the principal protagonists in this tale from the edge of mankind’s known universe in the year 3898AD.

If you love mystery with a hint of the paranormal, and the interplay of human foibles, grab this smorgasbord of short stories then get yourself a copy of Milijun, the mind-bending sci-fi novel by Clayton Graham.  

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Special Announcement and Live Interview

If you're as obsessed with subscription boxes as I am...I'm talking about you, IPSY! Then you are going to love this!
I am so blessed to be a part of the Four Anchors book box where the Tremblers is featured in the #AnchorChest for the month of February!

They've even included an exclusive signed letter from me to you which I hope will inspire. Not to mention a ton of other fun swag!

Check out the amazing site and sign up for your own #anchorchest subscription!

Today I am doing a LIVE interview over at The Write Stuff with Parker Cole! I met her at a writing conference this past summer and she is such a hoot. I'm going to drop by to talk about monsters, mechanica, and know, the fruit of my writing labor.

Stop by to call in and chat...its going live at 4pm Pacific time.  Hope to see you there!

Multi-Author Giveaway Extravaganza

On another note, be on the lookout for my newsletter where you can take part in a humongous Multi-Author giveaway.  This event is sponsored by SciFi Roundtable and Art of the Arcane and promises to be amazing! There will be so many free reads and prizes. I can't wait!

If you haven't already, be sure to sign up to receive my author newsletter for details on how to take part. You don't want to miss out on this super fun event!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Red Sky Over America

Today I welcome author, Tamera Lynn Kraft as she celebrates the release of her novel, Red Sky Over America. I asked her to let us in on her thought and writing process.

A little about her...

Tamera  has always loved adventures. She loves to write historical fiction set in the United States because there are so many stories in American history. There are strong elements of faith, romance, suspense and adventure in her stories. She has received 2nd place in the NOCW contest, 3rd place TARA writer’s contest, and is a finalist in the Frasier Writing Contest and has other novels and novellas in print. She’s been married for 39 years to the love of her life, Rick, and has two married adult children and three grandchildren. 

 Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

Yes, I do, but do you really want me to tell what they are? LOL. I'll give you a bit of a hint. First, I like to use symbolism in my novels (colors, objects, weather) that is hopefully not too obvious, but still adds richness to the stories. I also have something similar about every villain's name in my stories, but I'm not going to tell you what that is. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to find out what it is though. You probably will never guess.

What is the first book that made you cry?

That's a difficult question because there have been so many books that have touched me emotionally. I've always loved to read, so I can't say for certain. The first book I remember shedding a tear while listening to my Grandma read it to me was Black Beauty. I think I was about seven or eight then. I hated the way the drunk abused such a wonderful horse.

Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

I'm not sure. I do think a writer needs to be aware of her deep and strong emotions and motivation in life to be able to write effectively, but I don't feel a writer has to be an emotional wreck about it. I think we all have strong emotions. A writer has the perfect way of dealing with those emotions. I might not show my emotions to everyone, but they always end up coming out in my characters.

 How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

Everything is on a deadline now. I can't spend a couple of years playing with my story to try to figure it out. I have nine months to get it done before my next deadline. This has changed me from a total seat of the panster to someone who does some pre-planning and plotting of the main signposts of my story. I still don't plan every detail, but I do have a direction to go before I start writing.

About the Book:

William and America confront evil, but will it costs them everything?
In 1857, America, the daughter of a slave owner, is an abolitionist and a student at Oberlin College, a school known for its radical ideas. America goes home to Kentucky during school break to confront her father about freeing his slaves.

America's classmate, William, goes to Kentucky to preach abolition to churches that condone slavery. America and William find themselves in the center of the approaching storm sweeping the nation and may not make it home to Ohio or live through the struggle.

Red Sky Over America tackles the most turbulent time in history with thorough research and fascinating characters. Tamera Lynn Kraft has woven a tale about the evils of slavery that should never be forgotten. -- Mary Ellis, author of The Quaker and the Rebel, The Lady and the Officer, and The Last Heiress.

You can find Tamera at her author blog, or on Twitter and Goodreads.

Monday, February 12, 2018

A Collection of Kisses + a Giveaway!

Today we have a treat for Valentines! Author Robin Bayne is here celebrating the release of her novel, Hearts on the Harbor.

One lucky commenter will win a free ebook copy of the entire Cooking Up Kisses collection! Just answer the question in the Rafflecopter link below...Thank you, Robin!

Here is a short exerpt:

Chapter One

“Don’t look now, Car, but your ex is here.”

Cara Peyton stiffened in her seat. Jackson? Here? Why?  A shiver ran through her as she willed her head not to swivel. Around her the clink of silverware and diners chatting faded into the background.

“He’s really hot,” Jill observed, leaning forward over her iced tea. “Hotter, really. He looks more like a man now than a teenager. How long has it been?”

Cara didn’t need to think. “Seven and half years. Seven and three quarters, actually.”

“Wow.” Jill turned her chair slightly. “Doesn’t look like he’s with anyone. Female, that is. Doesn’t he have a brother?”

“Yes, a younger one. Why?”

“The guy with him looks like him. You know, I should go over and—"

 “Please don’t make a scene.” Cara gripped her water glass, the beads of water pooling on it cooled her palms. It had taken years to get over Jack, if she ever really had. She couldn’t get emotional now. She gazed out the wall length windows onto the cobblestone street. A white van marked “Charm City Cabinetry” partially blocked her view of the harbor. A little Christian fish magnet, slightly crooked, was stuck to its side door. She sighed.

“Don’t freak out, I won’t do anything.” Jill picked up her tuna sandwich. “So how late do you need me to stick around tonight? I have a date.”

“Oh you do? Who with?” Cara took a bite of her Caesar salad and half listened to her partner’s description of some guy she’d just met.

The other half of her attention was focused on not looking at the table behind them, not listening for any whisper of the voice she remembered. What would Jackson be like now? Would he be married? She knew he’d be childless, either way. Didn’t want kids. Did he regret, or even remember, leaving her like that? It has all been about his music.  Did he remember the last time they’d been together? Did he—

“Hey!” Jill waved her hand in front of Cara’s face. “Have you heard anything I’ve said?”

Cara blinked. “Um, no, sorry.”

“That’s okay,” Jill said, staring at her friend. “I know where you were.”

Her face warming, Cara wiped her mouth with a paper napkin. “I’m back.”

“Uh-huh, sure.  So who am I seeing tonight?”

Could she come up with some name from her subconscious? She snapped her fingers. “Oh, I know, Greg from that accounting firm we interviewed.” That was it. Cara smiled, proud of herself.

“Um, no. Wanna try again?”

“Not really.” Cara smoothed the napkin with her hand. “I’m sorry, it’s just that—"

“Just that your mind is full of Jackson Bridger right now. I get it.” Jill sighed and brushed the crumbs from her sandwich onto the floor, regarding Cara with the smug smile of a friend who knew too much.

“Can I get you ladies anything else?” Tom their waiter flashed a smile and presented a coffee carafe.

“Just the check,” Cara said. “Thanks. We have to get back to work.”

“Nice working right next door, huh?” Tom grinned before bowing his head to total the check.

Cara stood, prepared to head for the ladies room so she could finally see if it really was Jack.

“Don’t move,” Jill hissed. “He’s coming over.”

“No.” Cara’s pulse raced and her hand shook as she grabbed her purse.

“Oh, yes.”

Silence followed for several long seconds, three, four. . .

“Hey, Jill. Cara.” Jackson’s deep voice held confidence and a bit of amusement.

She finally let herself turn to find her former boyfriend towering over her. His wavy brown hair was cut short now, his face as lean but a bit more weathered than she remembered. Reminding herself to breath, she forced a smile. “Jack, hey, you’re looking good.” She sent up mental thanks that her voice didn’t quiver. “You too, Luke,” she said to the other man who joined them.

“Hi Cara.” Luke glanced at his brother, probably wondering why Jack just stood there staring. Luke leaned forward and gave her a loose hug.

“How are you, Luke? What are you up to these days? It’s been a couple years since we e-mailed.” Cara turned to face Luke, but still felt Jackson’s gaze on her.

“Great, thanks. Got a job with an insurance company, have a girlfriend. We go to the same church. Getting ready for the holidays. Life is good. What are you doing? You look fantastic, by the way.” With that he elbow-jabbed his brother in the gut.

Cara felt her face warming. “Thank you. And I’m happy you’re doing well.” She turned back to Jackson, who glared at his brother now. “And how about you? It’s been a long time.”

“Seven years, nine months,” he said without hesitation.

Cara’s jaw dropped, and she forced her mouth closed. She had been unsure if he’d even acknowledge her. A twinge of anger ran through her. Why was she feeling this way, like a schoolgirl getting a glimpse of a forbidden love? He’d been the one who left. To get famous.

“Why don’t you guys join us for a minute? I could order us coffee.” Jill spoke up in a chipper voice, obviously enjoying the awkward show. Before Cara knew what was happening, the men had slid into chairs across from them.

Tom told them to take their time, no one was waiting for the table, and he’d bring four coffees.

“We only have a few minutes,” Cara told him. “I have to be back at work for an appointment at one-thirty.” Tom nodded and headed for another table.

“So,” Jack began, his voice a caress. “Cara. How have you been?”

Cara’s tongue felt swollen, and suddenly, she had no idea how she was.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Charlotte's Battle Rages On in Wind Reapers + Giveaway!

It has been so exciting sharing the world of the Blackburn Chronicles with you! I've had such a great time hearing what all of you think about Charlotte and her spy, Ashton, and their dangerous destiny with the Order of the Sword and Scroll.  And Charlotte is just getting started! 

I'm giving away a copy of the first book in the series...the one that set the calamity in motion,  The Tremblers. Enter via the rafflecopter below.
Continue her fight with the Wind Reapers...

Charlotte Blackburn—Hero, hunted, the unwitting symbol of a dark rebellion—she thwarted the deadly intent of the treacherous Order of the Sword and Scroll, but at a shattering cost. Now, she fights to survive among a tribe of fierce Wind Reapers who troll the wasteland aboard massive metal walkers. But a new storm is brewing and Charlotte is once again the linchpin in a deadly plan.

Sebastian Riley has one goal: Help the citizens of his floating Outer City to survive the Ashen Croup, a terrible affliction that drowns victims in their own lungs. But help comes in the form of the infamous Lady Blackburn, a woman wanted for treason who is determined to run headlong into destruction to prevent a coming war—even if it means reaching out to those who want her dead.

Pursued by the shadowy Order and hunted by the furious Reaper clan, Riley and Charlotte brave the monstrous hordes of decaying Tremblers and the terrors of the Wasteland to stop the bloodshed and secure a mysterious calculating engine—a device that can bring about the destruction of an entire nation.

With brutal forces gathering against the unsuspecting citizens inside the Tesla domes, a vicious scientist intent on capturing Charlotte for his experiments, and the whole of the country in deadly peril, one of them must make a sacrifice too terrible to comprehend.

What people are saying about Wind Reapers:

"This book is a non-stop adventure led by Charlotte, Tesla, and Riley. Technology can only do so much in the face of "blood storms" and a desert veined with fissures releasing searing gas and lava. Outside the dome there are a new set of obstacles and Charlotte doesn't know who she can trust. Having followed Charlotte's journey from naive girl to the point she is at at the start of this book, a competent and somewhat Machiavellian champion for what she perceives as right, this story follows her continued evolution. What struck me the most about this was that the author made the bad guys very real, not archetypal villains. I understood and sympathized with their motivation as well as I understood Charlotte's. This made the right and wrong of the matter very much a gray area. It was thoughtful and threatening, ruthless and emotional. I cried (when a book makes me cry, it has won me over) and cheered and gasped... I couldn't put it down. Wind Reapers is a heartrending adventure that full of hope and fear, a story that challenged me and made me question my own values."

~ Spocktastic Reviews

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Courtly Scandals Cover Reveal!

I'm excited to share the first cover reveal for Courtly Scandals. It captures that moment of magic in the first kiss in a frozen garden.
It is available for pre-order now 


Amid the revelry of Queen Elizabeth’s court at Christmas, scandal after scandal finds a spirited young woman who learns to defy society, own her actions, and fall in love.
Pleasure takes priority during the twelve days of Christmas in Queen Elizabeth’s court, and newcomer Mary Montgomery jumps in with abandon. Unfortunately, such joie de vivre also leads to accusations that she has stabbed an earl, impersonated the Queen, and punched a countess in the face.

Despite the gossip swirling about her, Sir Charles, a knight and member of the Queen’s Guard, is drawn to her vibrancy. After all, scandals are nothing new at Queen Elizabeth’s court. Unfortunately, Mary does not have the wealth or rank to survive them unscathed and soon finds herself on the outside of society’s good graces. And though his loyalty taints his own reputation, Charles continues to stand by Mary’s side.

He knows his intentions and where his priorities lie—he just isn’t sure how she’ll react when she finds out that the man who ruined her reputation is his half-brother. Indeed, before she can accept his affections, Mary must not only forgive herself for her past but realize she is worthy of love.

I have read Ms. Spock's romances and they are a raucous ride of breathless moments, intrigue, and sumptuous court life. For more on her and her books, you can find her here...

Erin Kane Spock lives in Southern California with her husband, two daughters, an old-lady dog, and a puppy. She is a teacher and an active Irish dance mom. Find Erin Kane Spock at her blog at, on Facebook and on Twitter at @kanespock.

Buy links: 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Running Toward Illumia - YA Fantasy

Hi, I’m Angel Leya, and I write clean young adult stories with (at least) a touch of magic and romance. My latest story is Running Toward Illumia, Astrea’s tale of finding herself while running from the one thing she wants most: To find her sense of belonging.

Astrea’s lived in the Mist all her life, and she loves it there. In fact, she’d do just about anything to feel like she fits in with her Rudan people, even hunt a unicorn to feed her starving tribe.

Illumia is the first city beyond the Mist, just past the Dragon Range. Astrea’s come up with 10 reasons to never go to Illumia. I’ll let her tell you more.


Top 10 Reasons NOT to Travel to Illumia

10. They don’t have fog.

Who needs sunshine? I’m a Mist girl. Great for concealing movement, comfortable like an old blanket, and you never have to worry about dry skin. 

9. They don’t all have red hair.

That’s why this tribe is here, despite being sent to the fog to die. And why we call ourselves the Rudan, rather than the Banned.

Wish my hair was redder. And I could use a few more freckles. But I’m one of the Rudan, I swear. I’d be dead if I wasn’t.

8. They’re weak.

Fog weeds out the weak. And if the fog doesn’t, the Lynx, ogres, or Rudan will. Illumians live the easy life. They have no reason to be strong.

7. They’re not very welcoming.

The Rudan take in anyone who can survive the fog. Illumians kicked us out (or at least my parents, but children of the Banned are no less welcome).

6. Illumians are idiots.

Everyone says so.

5. Big government.

I know all five of my council members, and they earned their spot. Like Seneca, first huntress—my mentor. Illumians probably have no idea who runs their council.

4. The journey’s dangerous.

Even if you can navigate the fog, streams filled with flesh-eating fish, and ogre-infested swamps, there’s the dragon range. There’s one pass, guarded by Illumians. The rest is mountain. Treacherous, dragon-housing mountains. No other way around it. Going to Illumia is a fool’s errand.

3. My family’s not there.

If you think getting one person into Illumia is hard, try five. Two brothers, plus Mamaa and Pawpaw.

Course, the whole tribe’s basically family. I’d want to take them all.

Except maybe Mavin. He’s a jerk. (Kidding. Sort of.)

2. I can never come back.

Going to Illumia is a one-way trip. Illumians and dragons ensure that.

1. I don’t want to.

Do I need any other reason?


Thanks for reading! If you’d like more, click for an excerpt from Banned, Part 1 of Running Toward Illumia.

Get all 4 parts of Running Toward Illumia today:

1.       Banned (free!)

2.       Lost (On Sale for 99¢ through 2/15/18)

3.       Drenched (On Sale for 99¢ through 2/15/18)

4.       Marked (On Sale for 99¢ through 2/15/18)