Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Book of Ivy Blog Tour!

The Book of Ivy (The Book of Ivy #1)
by Amy Engel 
Release Date: 11/04/14
Entangled Teen

Summary from Goodreads:

After a brutal nuclear war, the United States was left decimated. A small group of survivors eventually banded together, but only after more conflict over which family would govern the new nation. The Westfalls lost. Fifty years later, peace and control are maintained by marrying the daughters of the losing side to the sons of the winning group in a yearly ritual.

This year, it is my turn.

My name is Ivy Westfall, and my mission is simple: to kill the president’s son—my soon-to-be husband—and restore the Westfall family to power.

But Bishop Lattimer is either a very skilled actor or he’s not the cruel, heartless boy my family warned me to expect. He might even be the one person in this world who truly understands me. But there is no escape from my fate. I am the only one who can restore the Westfall legacy.

Because Bishop must die. And I must be the one to kill him…

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About the Author
Amy Engel was born in Kansas and after a childhood spent bouncing between countries (Iran, Taiwan) and states (Kansas; California; Missouri; Washington, D.C.), she settled in Kansas City, Missouri, where she lives with her husband and two kids.  Before devoting herself full-time to motherhood and writing, she was a criminal defense attorney, which is not quite as exciting as it looks on TV.  When she has a free moment, she can usually be found reading, running, or shoe shopping. The Book of Ivy is her debut YA novel. Find her online at or @aengelwrites.

Author Links: WebsiteGoodreadsTwitter

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Coming Up For A Peek

Hello to all you NaNo warriors! Just popping out of my cave to see how everyone is doing on their writing adventure. 

I, for one, am woefully behind on my word count.  I know, I know...its still only halfway through.  I can do it....  At least I will try my darndest.

For those of you floundering, tiring, or just plain overwhelmed here is a really cool link to tons of Pinterest stuff on NaNoWriMo.  Everything from writing tips to inspirational quotes can be found there.  Its a great stress reliever too!

Meanwhile I am trying to push forward through my "architect" style of total planning to just get the chapters out.

Its sort of challenging though because I am constantly wanting to go back and edit...which is my usual way of doing things.  I write a chapter, go back and edit it, plan the next one... all very deliberate.

Writing for NaNoWrimo is almost a visceral journey where you follow your gut and overlook things that bug you to move onward.

Argh! Darn my perfectionistic tendencies! 0_0

Anyway...I found this really great infographic on writer's block that was super helpful.

I hope you guys find it as inspiring as I did. I also find that watching movie trailers is extremely focussing for me. Something about the brevity and concise nature of presenting a story idea that really helps me to regain my footing.

Here's to two more weeks of writing like a crazy person!

By +Raquel Byrnes 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

50K or BUST!

Here we are at the start of the NaNo adventure and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed already. I've done my share of plotting, outlining, and graph making. I think its just that putting in my word count...currently 3197...well, 6% doesn't  seem like all that much of a headway.

I have to remember that normally I take months to write a book so this is good progress...I shall chant this over and over to myself.

To make things a little more interesting I've posted the above chart for you "Discovery" writers or "Pantsers" as my crit partner calls herself.

Hope you are all doing well with the challenge!